Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's Back-to-School Season!

School supplies, clothes, schedules… all on top of your normal busy life!  Don’t pull your hair out, there are ways to save time and manage the stress that goes along with preparing the kiddos to go back to school.

Time Savers
Don’t you wish there were just a few more hours in the day?  Until we find that magic formula to make it happen, we just need to find better more organized ways of managing the time we have each day.

1.        Get Organized.  Misplaced phones, shoes, keys… make sure everything is put in its place and if you do this and teach the kids, those chaotic mornings will be a thing of the past!  Prepare by putting items in their place before bed each night and on the weekends.
2.       Identify Timewasters.  Write down what you do each day and how much time you spend doing each activity.  For example, if you spend 10 minutes looking for keys, hang a key hook by the door and use it.  If you spend 20 minutes finding something to wear, pick out your outfit the night before.  If you find yourself making multiple trips to the grocery throughout the week, be diligent about keeping a grocery list on the refrigerator and add to it each day or as needed.
3.       Take Notes.  Write things down, because trust us; you are NOT going to remember EVERYTHING.  Use old-fashioned pen and paper (just always do so in the same place so they are not lost) or type a memo on your phone or computer that can alert you of the task or notes.
4.       Follow a Calendar.  If you have a calendar, use it and refer to it each day.  Make sure ALL events are recorded on this calendar.
5.       Assign Days.  Choose a day of the week to go to the grocery, mow the lawn, clean the house, etc…  Sticking to this schedule will ensure the tasks get done.

Less Stress
Find ways to make life a little easier and take care of yourself!

1.       Plan Ahead.  This will allow you to prepare and know exactly what you are doing each day while making good use of your time.  For example, if you have time on Sundays, make a few weekday meals ahead of time.
2.       Schedule for Kids.  Create a routine and schedule for you and the kids.  This will allow them to know what they are supposed to do each day without having to be told.  You can make a task chart to make it easy for them to follow visually, and reward systems will keep them motivated (e.g., stickers, snacks, etc).
3.       Take a Break!  Yes, everyone needs a break every now and then.  So don’t sweat the small stuff and take care of yourself by allowing time to relax, unwind, and de-stress.  :)